Petition: Support Mat-Su Gun Ranges!


This anti-gun range red tape ordinance has been repealed! See the link above!


The Mat-Su Borough is attacking your 2nd Amendment rights by strangling shooting ranges here in the Valley.

The Mat-Su Borough Assembly needs to hear YOUR voice!  The Borough’s latest actions to restrict the free exercise of your rights, have included adding more red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being built in the MatSu Borough.

Tell the Mat-Su Borough Assembly to repeal the red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being established.

We need more gun ranges, not less!

This is the time to tell the Mat-Su Assembly to protect your gun rights!

Tell the Assemblymembers to Defend your rights! They need to hear from you!

Send them the email below:


I oppose the suffocating red-tape gun range regulations in the Mat-Su.

I urge you to support my rights, by repealing the anti-range ordinance that the borough recently passed. This is a blatant infringement of my right to enjoy the use and practice of my firearms. The next time you vote on the issue, I expect you to vote to repeal the red-tape range regulations.

I expect you to support and defend my rights.


[Your Name]


Only your name and your zip code will be sent with your message to the Mat-Su Assemblymembers.