ALERT: Stop the Red-Flag Gun Grab (HB89) – Take Action Now!

Alaska’s gun rights are under attack! House Bill 89 (HB89), the Red-Flag Gun Grab bill, is scheduled for a hearing before the House State Affairs Committee on Thursday, March 13th, at 3:15 PM.

If passed, this dangerous bill would allow the government to strip Alaskans of their firearms without due process, based on vague (or even false) accusations. We cannot allow our rights to be trampled on!

We need YOU to take action:

Email the Committee NOW and urge them to oppose HB89. You can use the form below to send them a pre-written email message:

House State Affairs Committee:

All gun-grabbing schemes are unconstitutional and unacceptable. HB89 would strip law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights without due process, allowing the government to seize an innocent victim’s only means of defense, based on vague accusations.

I urge that you kill House Bill 89 immediately.


[Your name]


No to Red-Flag - HB89

[Only your name and Zip code will be shared with the Committee]

If you wish to use a direct email message, Click Here.

Call the committee at 1-907-563-9085 March 13th around 3:15pm to testify and make your voice heard.
✅ Spread the word—share this message with fellow gun-rights advocates.

The fight for our Second Amendment rights is now. Time to use your voice, and defend your freedom!