All posts by Webeditor

Vote for Ron Bernier

Alaska Gun Rights is pleased to announce our endorsement of Ron Bernier for Mat-Su Borough Assembly!

Ron is running for re-election to Assembly District 7. He has fulfilled his commitment to repeal the Anti-Gun Range Ordinance. He has also kept a spectacular 100% Pro-Gun voting record during his time of service on the Borough Assembly.

Please vote Ron Bernier for Assembly District 7.

Vote Against Kevin McCabe

Rep. McCabe has refused to come clean with his constituents regarding his anti-gun votes.

Kevin voted to empower the government to shutdown gun stores and gun ranges (see more).

Voted against fixing Criminal Safety Zones (so-called “gun-free zones” on campus).

Repeatedly votes against Pro-Gun amendments to the Budget.

Refused to co-sponsor the bill to BAN Red-Flag Gun Grabs (breaking his campaign promise).

Refused to answer the Alaska Gun Rights Candidate Survey for the 2024 election.

It’s time to hold Rep. McCabe Accountable for his oath-breaking anti-2nd Amendment votes!

Pledge to vote against Rep. McCabe November 5th:

Pledge to Vote Against Kevin McCabe

Senate District R Survey Results

James Squyres was the only candidate for Senate District R to return his Alaska Gun Rights Survey. He returned his Survey 100% Pro-Gun!

Mike Cronk refused to return his survey, and also has a record of consistently voting against gun rights.

Rep. Cronk’s record includes voting to allow government to shutdown gun stores and gun ranges:

Rep. Cronk has also voted against a pro-Campus Carry amendment for the state budget (several times):

100% Pro-Gun

Alaska Gun Rights Announcement:

Pamela Good has answered 100% Pro-gun on her Alaska Gun Rights Survey.

She has committed to oppose all Red-Flag Gun Grabs.

Thank Pamela Good for being the only 100% pro-gun candidate for District 36.

Alaska Gun Rights urges you to vote for Pamela Goode for House District 36.

Pro-Gun Champion

Representative Eastman is a stalwart Defender of the 2nd Amendment.

He has voted to protect Gun Rights at every opportunity, without compromising to the demands of anti-gun extremists.

He has Sponsored the Second Amendment Preservation Act and legislation to Ban Red-Flag Gun Confiscation.

Rep. Eastman voted against Legislation that would allow the government to shutdown gun stores and gun ranges.

He has sponsored pro-gun legislation throughout his tenure in office.

He’s been endorsed by the NRA, the National Association for Gun Rights, and Alaska Gun Rights is proud to endorse him and urge your support for his re-election.

Vote for the Proven Pro-Gun Champion for House District 27!

Scott Kawasaki: 2nd Amendment Menace

Gun-hating radicals are coming for your guns right here in Alaska. The latest legislative session in Juneau exposed their agenda.

Senator Scott Kawasaki (D) of Fairbanks, the chair of the Senate State Affairs Committee, pushed another Red-Flag Gun Grab bill, Senate Bill (SB) 229 by Senator Loki Tobin (D) of Anchorage.

SB 229 is a blatant assault on your Second Amendment rights, designed to strip you of your gun rights and confiscate your firearms with ruthless efficiency. Red-Flag laws trample on your Second Amendment rights – possibly for life!

We saw this coming. We’ve been vigilant, alerting our members to mobilize and confront these politicians head-on. With the tireless efforts of our all-volunteer team, we gathered thousands of petitions opposing Red-Flag laws and delivered them to the Senate State Affairs Committee, demanding they reject this assault on our freedoms.

More than three thousand petitions were delivered opposing the Red-Flag legislation and posted on the official profile page for the Red-Flag bill, the morning before the bill’s first hearing. Outrageously, Senator Kawasaki’s office removed your petitions within hours.

Not satisfied with just trashing your petitions, Kawasaki left dozens of Alaska Patriots on hold while he allowed the Juneau gun-haters to have their say. 

Kawasaki openly conspired with Tobin during the April 30th Red-Flag bill hearing, to cut-off Alaska Gun Rights members’ testimony while allowing Juneau gun haters to spew their gun-hating rhetoric and lies.

Alaska Gun Rights members from across the state took time away from work and family to defend their Second Amendment rights, only to be disrespected and dismissed.

Kawasaki left dozens of AGR members on hold while he moved the 2nd Amendment haters in the room to the microphone. The blatant hostility and arrogance displayed by Senator Kawasaki and his cronies is outrageous.

Worse, Senator Kawasaki’s betrayal doesn’t stop at supporting Red-Flag gun confiscation. He sponsored the Senate companion to HB 61, a bill deceitfully marketed as protecting gun rights during emergencies. In reality, it grants the government power to shut down gun stores and ranges, along with other businesses. For more details on that fight, visit our website here:

Senator Kawasaki is not just attacking your gun rights – he’s silencing your voice. His contempt for the Second Amendment and his disregard for the First Amendment are obvious.

This is a call to action for all Alaskans: demand that Senator Kawasaki resign and put an end to his relentless attacks on our constitutionally protected freedoms.

Contact Senator Kawasaki and tell him to step down. Stand up for your rights and ensure your voice is heard.

Rick McClure is the President of Alaska Gun Rights. Alaska’s only No-compromise Gun Rights Advocacy group.

You can send a quick (pre-written) email urging Senator Kawasaki to resign, by using the form below.


Your attacks against the 2nd Amendment are despicable. I urge you to resign immediately!

[Your name]

[zip code]

Your email address will be kept confidential from Senator Kawasaki’s office.

Scott Kawasaki Should Resign

Action Alert – Help Stop Red-Flag Gun Grab Bill

SB 229, the “Red-Flag” gun grab bill (sponsored by anti-gun senators from Anchorage), appears to be gaining steam in the Alaska Senate.
In every other state where such schemes are passed, they are abused and used to seize guns from law-abiding Americans, who have committed no crime.
This particular scheme is an egregious attack on your 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, and other rights guaranteed in our constitutions.
We can’t let the anti-gun schemers gain an inch here in Alaska.

With Joe Biden on a tear, trying to steal guns away from law-abiding Alaskans via Federal bribes (using your own tax-dollars), we need to be especially vigilant not to let them gain an inch.

There is a battle raging within our own state capital, with politicians scheming to take our guns away.
The gun grabbers in Juneau are salivating at the mouth, at the thought of stealing away your guns.

Sen. Kawasaki telegraphed his intentions to move the Red-Flag gun grab bill out of his committee.
This is in spite of the thousands of petitions we submitted and the testimony given by many 2nd Amendment Patriots.
We still have a short window of opportunity to tell the Senate State Affairs committee to vote down this shameless gun grab attempt.

You can send a quick (pre-written) email to the whole committee, urging them to kill the bill by using the form below.

Members of the Senate State Affairs Committee,

I oppose Senate Bill 229. This proposed “Red Flag Law” blatantly violates my Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and due process rights. 

With little or no evidence, an ex-partner, disgruntled co-worker or neighbor can file for an “Extreme Risk Protection Order” (ERPO) against me, a law-abiding gun owner.  

If a Red Flag order is issued, law enforcement can seize my perfectly legal firearms.

Worse yet, if I want to get my rights (and guns) back, it will likely take significant time (years) and money to prove my innocence in civil court. 

This is a complete reversal of the standard of “innocent until proven guilty.”

In every other state where such “laws” exist, they are abused to fulfill a political disarmament agenda, and cause more victimization.

As this proposed legislation violates the Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and many other constitutionally guarded rights; I urge you to immediately kill this legislation.

Only your name and your zip code will be sent with your message to the Legislature.

5-16-24 UPDATE. See Below:

Red-Flag Gun Grab Dead (for now)!

Thanks to the pressure from your petitions, emails, testimonies, and phone calls from Patriots like you, the Red-Flag Gun Grab is dead in Juneau.

The bill was swamped with thousands of petitions and hundreds of emails.

This overwhelming amount of firepower is just the sort of thing to scare the politicians, and make them back off their attack on our rights.

However, stay sharp!

We expect them to bring this scheme back next year.

In the meanwhile, we will continue educating and mobilizing Patriots, to help defeat this scheme and every other gun-grab scheme that these politicians dream up.

Thank you for doing your part.

Alaska Gun Rights 2023 Mat-Su Candidate Survey Results

Alaska Gun Rights has completed a candidate survey of the Mat-Su Borough candidates running for Assembly seats on the Mat-Su Borough Assembly. Here are the results.

Share this post with your friends, family, and other 2nd Amendment Patriots!

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Thank you!

Paid for by the Alaska Gun Rights Firearms Liberty Fund. I, Richard McClure, Chair, Approve This Message. Top Contributors: Alaska Gun Rights, 200 W. 34th Ave., PMB 181, Anchorage, AK  99503

Wall of Shame: HB61

These are the legislators that voted to pass HB61, putting into state law, that the government has the authority to shutdown gun stores in an “emergency.”

It is a blatant infringement of the 2nd Amendment.

House of Representatives.

Yeas:  Allard, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Foster,                                                              
Groh, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Ortiz,                                                                    
Patkotak, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp,                                                             
Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright

State Senate.

Yeas:  Bishop, Bjorkman, Claman, Dunbar, Giessel, Hoffman,                                                                      
Hughes, Kaufman, Kawasaki, Merrick, Myers, Olson, Shower,                                                                       
Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski, Wilson

Act Now: HB61, Equity in Tyranny

Never let a good crisis go to waste…  That’s the despot’s way.

In April 2020, that’s exactly what happened in Anchorage – the Municipality’s Little Tyrant (Mayor Berkowitz) ordered gun stores to be closed while marijuana, liquor, and general retail stores stayed open.

What Berkowitz did was illegal – Alaska’s laws do not permit any level of government to shut down commerce, let alone shutter gun stores while retailers next door stayed open.

Not satisfied with the ability to take advantage of a crisis, legislators in the House decided that tyranny for all is better than tyranny for none.

You read that right.  When an amendment was offered to remove a line from the bill that creates the authority to shut down gun stores – along with every other store – was offered, equity was their answer.

This was after hundreds of Alaskans called, emailed, and submitted their petitions to remove this poison-pill from this bill.

They’re trying to ignore you.

Email Representatives Now!

Speaking to the amendment, Representative McCabe (Big Lake) told his colleagues that, what was once a 2nd Amendment protection bill is now an equity in commerce bill.

But it’s really an equity in tyranny bill.

What started as a 2nd Amendment protection bill became an equity in commerce bill. But with newly created powers to shut down businesses, it becomes an equity in tyranny bill.

And with that, every Republican except Representative Eastman (Wasilla), and Representative Tomaszewski (Fairbanks), voted against the amendment that would prohibit the creation of new tyrannical powers.

You can see the tally here:

This bill is on course to steal more of your freedoms and liberties.

These subtle and seemingly small incremental steps add up to big margins over time, and that has consistently been the scheme of choice for the anti-gun zealots, driven to try and steal it all.

They intend to get away with it too.

You don’t have to let them.  You can amplify your voice and demand that they stop this anti-gun bill in its tracks.

You can add your voice to the hundreds of other Alaskans, telling your politician to correct their course.

You can do that by emailing them right now. It’s ready to go:

Email Representatives Now!

Or by calling one of these Representatives and letting them know to vote against this bill:

Rep. Jamie Allard 907-465-2995

Rep. Ben Carpenter 907-465-3779

Rep. Julie Coulombe 907-465-3879

Rep. Mike Cronk 907-465-4527

Rep. David Eastman 907-465-2186

Rep. Neal Foster 907-465-3789

Rep. Craig Johnson 907-465-3892

Rep. DeLena Johnson 907-465-4958

Rep. Kevin McCabe 907-465-2679

Rep. CJ McCormick 907-465-4942

Rep. Tom McKay 907-465-4993

Rep. Dan Ortiz 907-465-3824

Rep. Josiah Patkotak 907-465-3473

Rep. Mike Prax 907-465-4797

Rep. George Rauscher 907-465-4859

Rep. Justin Ruffridge 907-465-2693

Rep. Dan Saddler 907-465-3783

Rep. Laddie Shaw 907-465-4945

Rep. Will Stapp 907-465-3004

Rep. Louise Stutes 907-465-2487

Rep. Jesse Sumner 907-465-4833

Rep. Cathy Tilton 907-465-2199

Rep. Frank Tomaszewski 907-465-4457

Rep. Sarah Vance 907-465-2689

Rep. Stanley Wright 907-465-2095

This bill is scheduled to be voted on the House Floor Wednesday this week (May 3rd).

Now is a great time to make your voice heard in the defense of your Liberty.

Beware: The politicians and their staff will try and spin and confuse you, and tell you that this is actually a pro-2A gun bill!

They will attempt to tell you that it will protect the gun stores by accepting this Devil’s Bargain.

Stand firm!

Tell them that you aren’t interested in hearing their explanations and that you want them to represent you, as you are their constituent.

Tell them that you insist that your Representative protect your rights by voting against HB61!

Contact them right away by sending an email here, or calling above!

Email Representatives Now!

And if you haven’t already, consider chipping in to help spread the word! Or forward/share this page with friends and family!

Shutting Down Your Gun Store

Do you remember just three years ago, when crazed anti-gun petty tyrants shutdown the gun stores in Anchorage?

We fought that fight, and the stores that should never have been closed were re-opened.

Right now, legislation is being considered in our state legislature, that could either protect our rights (limit the government), or harm our liberties.

It is known as House Bill 61 (HB61).  The Senate companion legislation is SB63.

Both of these bills are being marketed as protecting your gun rights during times of emergency or disaster declarations. 

This is not true.

The proposed legislation claims to prevent gun stores and shooting ranges from being shut down by disaster declarations or emergency orders.

It actually does the opposite.  The legislation would give government the power to shut down gun stores and ranges, along with other stores and businesses. 

Both bills have the fatally flawed poison-pill phrasing. Starting page 1, line 15:

(4) unless the closure or limitation applies equally to all forms of commerce within the jurisdiction, closing or limiting the operating hours of…

The first half of that sentence gives government the authority to shutdown all commerce relating to firearms. 

Right now, the authority in state law to shutdown gun stores doesn’t exist.  This bill (as written) would add it into our law books.

Why is it okay to shutdown gun stores, as long as you close every other store at the same time?

It isn’t. This is unacceptable. 

It’s time to urge your legislator to reject the phrase: “unless the closure or limitation applies equally to all forms of commerce within the jurisdiction”.

This legislation claims to prevent gun stores and shooting ranges from being shut down by disaster declarations or emergency orders.

As it is currently written, it actually does the opposite. 

That specific language allows government to shut down gun stores and ranges, along with other stores and businesses.  

We’ve been communicating to the committees that heard this legislation, and they’ve all failed to fix it.

Now, it’s time to activate and urge the legislature to fix HB61.

It has been announced that it will be on the State House Floor on Monday. 

Right now, your legislator needs to hear from you!

You can reach out to your Representative and demand that they do the right thing and fix HB61.

Tell them to offer an amendment, or support an amendment on Monday to fix the bill.

Your message could be something as simple as:

Dear Representative,

I urge you to fix HB61 and remove the current flawed language that allows the government to shutdown gun stores (at the same time as all other commerce). 


Call or email them now:

Representative Jamie Allard        907-465-2995

Representative Ben Carpenter 907-465-3779

Representative Julie Coulombe 907-465-3879

Representative Mike Cronk           907-465-4527

Representative David Eastman 907-465-2186

Representative Neal Foster 907-465-3789

Representative Craig Johnson 907-465-3892

Representative DeLena Johnson 907-465-4958

Representative Kevin McCabe 907-465-2679

Representative CJ McCormick 907-465-4942

Representative Tom McKay 907-465-4993

Representative Dan Ortiz 907-465-3824

Representative Josiah Patkotak 907-465-3473

Representative Mike Prax 907-465-4797

Representative George Rauscher 907-465-4859

Representative Justin Ruffridge 907-465-2693

Representative   Dan Saddler 907-465-3783

Representative Laddie Shaw 907-465-4945

Representative Will Stapp 907-465-3004

Representative Louise Stutes 907-465-2487

Representative Jesse Sumner 907-465-4833

Representative Cathy Tilton  907-465-2199

Representative Frank Tomaszewski 907-465-4457

Representative Sarah Vance 907-465-2689

Representative Stanley Wright 907-465-2095

And if none of those listed are your representative (or you’re not sure who is), reach out to the Speaker’s office and urge Speaker Tilton to fix HB61:

Representative Cathy Tilton  907-465-2199

Now is the time to let your voice be heard.

Time to step up and use your 1st Amendment right to defend your 2nd!

Gun-Grab Schemes Introduced in Juneau

As we expected, the anti-gun zealots introduced their legislation in Juneau this month.

They’re aiming to take away your gun rights through gun-confiscation schemes like so called “Red-Flag” laws and the “Home-Invasion Incentive Act.”

Red-flag laws strip gun owners of their constitutional rights to keep and bear arms while violating several other fundamental constitutional rights, robbing them of their due process rights, and leaving them with almost no recourse.

It is a gun-grab scheme ripe for abuses as well as being blatantly unconstitutional.

It violates multiple articles in the Bill of Rights and will be used to deprive innocent people of their rights, victimizing them and making them more likely to be further victimized in the future.

This is the history of this law, as shown in every other state that has passed it or similar legislation.

This year, it was introduced as HB162 in Juneau.

Also introduced, the “Home-Invasion Incentive Act,” gives criminals, thugs, and home invaders significant advantages when law-abiding owners lock away their firearms.

It would require that guns being stored or transported be in a locked container.

This adds an undue burden on a victim, who really can’t afford the extra seconds required under a high-stress situation, to try and manipulate a locked safe when their home is being invaded!

Enforcement of this law would make victims and criminals out of law-abiding gun owners; while giving criminals, thugs, and home invaders, significant advantages when committing violent crime sprees.

This year, it was introduced as HB164.

If you signed one of our petitions opposing Red-Flag gun confiscation, or the petition opposing the Home-Invasion Incentive Act, thank you!

By you adding your voice to thousands of other voices, using your 1st Amendment right, you are helping to build a bulwark to protect your 2nd Amendment rights!

We’ve been educating thousands of Alaskans on the dangers of these schemes, and with your continued support, we’ll continue mobilizing good people against the schemes of these gun-grabbers!

We’ll continue to keep you informed of these developments and opportunities to participate in defending our liberties.

I’m grateful for your help in this fight!