Tag Archives: MatSu

Protect Mat-Su Gun Ranges

Assemblymembers Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers refused to support your rights during the February Mat-Su Borough meeting.

Assemblymembers Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers have voted against our Second Amendment Rights as assemblymembers on the Mat-Su Borough Assembly.  Their latest actions to restrict the free exercise of our rights, have included voting to bring more red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being built in the MatSu Borough.

Tell Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers to stop bringing more red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being established.

We need more gun ranges, not less!

The borough planning department is expected to bring a new version of this ordinance before the Mat-Su Assembly at the November 17th Assembly meeting, where they are expected to vote on whether to put it into law or not. 

This is the time to tell Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers to vote NO!

Tell Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers to Defend your rights! They need to hear from you!

Send them the message now!

Protect MatSu Gun Ranges

Assemblymember Dan Mayfield has consistently voted against our Second Amendment Rights as an assemblymember on the MatSu Borough Assembly.  His latest actions to restrict the free exercise of our rights, have included voting to bring more red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being built in the MatSu Borough.

We need more gun ranges, not less!

He voted against gun ranges at this meeting, and twice at this meeting!

The borough planning department is expected to bring a new version of this ordinance before the MatSu Assembly, where they would vote on whether to put it into law or not.

This is the time to tell Mayfield to vote NO!

Send him a message that you expect him to support the right to keep and bear arms the next time the ordinance comes up for a vote! Send him the message now!