Of course it’s election season and he’s trying to spin spin spin… and misdirection.
Assemblymember Hale, voted for the anti-gun range ordinance repeatedly (before he voted to repeal it).
He voted to back Vern Halter’s shenanigans, when he “vetoed” the repeal initially, and he voted to sustain his “veto”. https://matanuska.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4330255&GUID=A19BACC9-D40C-4AA9-9BF3-DDC3AAD7F24C
Only because he has felt the heat of the grassroots holding him accountable, has he attempted to change his tune, after seeing his co-conspirators lose their own elections last year, and the repeal of the anti-gun range ordinance was inevitable.
He’s attempting to placate and spin the people.
You can see his bad behavior at these links: https://alaskagunrights.org/mat-su-borough-ignores-the-will-of-the-people-intends-to-trample-on-gun-rights/
And here: https://alaskagunrights.org/wall-of-shame-matsu-borough-assembly-2020/
And here: https://alaskagunrights.org/protect-mat-su-gun-ranges/
One vote against the 2nd Amendment is one vote too many!