Never let a good crisis go to waste… That’s the despot’s way.
In April 2020, that’s exactly what happened in Anchorage – the Municipality’s Little Tyrant (Mayor Berkowitz) ordered gun stores to be closed while marijuana, liquor, and general retail stores stayed open.
What Berkowitz did was illegal – Alaska’s laws do not permit any level of government to shut down commerce, let alone shutter gun stores while retailers next door stayed open.
Not satisfied with the ability to take advantage of a crisis, legislators in the House decided that tyranny for all is better than tyranny for none.
You read that right. When an amendment was offered to remove a line from the bill that creates the authority to shut down gun stores – along with every other store – was offered, equity was their answer.
This was after hundreds of Alaskans called, emailed, and submitted their petitions to remove this poison-pill from this bill.
They’re trying to ignore you.
Email Representatives Now!Speaking to the amendment, Representative McCabe (Big Lake) told his colleagues that, what was once a 2nd Amendment protection bill is now an equity in commerce bill.
But it’s really an equity in tyranny bill.
What started as a 2nd Amendment protection bill became an equity in commerce bill. But with newly created powers to shut down businesses, it becomes an equity in tyranny bill.
And with that, every Republican except Representative Eastman (Wasilla), and Representative Tomaszewski (Fairbanks), voted against the amendment that would prohibit the creation of new tyrannical powers.
You can see the tally here:

This bill is on course to steal more of your freedoms and liberties.
These subtle and seemingly small incremental steps add up to big margins over time, and that has consistently been the scheme of choice for the anti-gun zealots, driven to try and steal it all.
They intend to get away with it too.
You don’t have to let them. You can amplify your voice and demand that they stop this anti-gun bill in its tracks.
You can add your voice to the hundreds of other Alaskans, telling your politician to correct their course.
You can do that by emailing them right now. It’s ready to go:
Email Representatives Now!Or by calling one of these Representatives and letting them know to vote against this bill:
Rep. Jamie Allard 907-465-2995
Rep. Ben Carpenter 907-465-3779
Rep. Julie Coulombe 907-465-3879
Rep. Mike Cronk 907-465-4527
Rep. David Eastman 907-465-2186
Rep. Neal Foster 907-465-3789
Rep. Craig Johnson 907-465-3892
Rep. DeLena Johnson 907-465-4958
Rep. Kevin McCabe 907-465-2679
Rep. CJ McCormick 907-465-4942
Rep. Tom McKay 907-465-4993
Rep. Dan Ortiz 907-465-3824
Rep. Josiah Patkotak 907-465-3473
Rep. Mike Prax 907-465-4797
Rep. George Rauscher 907-465-4859
Rep. Justin Ruffridge 907-465-2693
Rep. Dan Saddler 907-465-3783
Rep. Laddie Shaw 907-465-4945
Rep. Will Stapp 907-465-3004
Rep. Louise Stutes 907-465-2487
Rep. Jesse Sumner 907-465-4833
Rep. Cathy Tilton 907-465-2199
Rep. Frank Tomaszewski 907-465-4457
Rep. Sarah Vance 907-465-2689
Rep. Stanley Wright 907-465-2095
This bill is scheduled to be voted on the House Floor Wednesday this week (May 3rd).
Now is a great time to make your voice heard in the defense of your Liberty.
Beware: The politicians and their staff will try and spin and confuse you, and tell you that this is actually a pro-2A gun bill!
They will attempt to tell you that it will protect the gun stores by accepting this Devil’s Bargain.
Stand firm!
Tell them that you aren’t interested in hearing their explanations and that you want them to represent you, as you are their constituent.
Tell them that you insist that your Representative protect your rights by voting against HB61!
Contact them right away by sending an email here, or calling above!
Email Representatives Now!And if you haven’t already, consider chipping in to help spread the word! Or forward/share this page with friends and family!