Shutting Down Your Gun Store

Do you remember just three years ago, when crazed anti-gun petty tyrants shutdown the gun stores in Anchorage?

We fought that fight, and the stores that should never have been closed were re-opened.

Right now, legislation is being considered in our state legislature, that could either protect our rights (limit the government), or harm our liberties.

It is known as House Bill 61 (HB61).  The Senate companion legislation is SB63.

Both of these bills are being marketed as protecting your gun rights during times of emergency or disaster declarations. 

This is not true.

The proposed legislation claims to prevent gun stores and shooting ranges from being shut down by disaster declarations or emergency orders.

It actually does the opposite.  The legislation would give government the power to shut down gun stores and ranges, along with other stores and businesses. 

Both bills have the fatally flawed poison-pill phrasing. Starting page 1, line 15:

(4) unless the closure or limitation applies equally to all forms of commerce within the jurisdiction, closing or limiting the operating hours of…

The first half of that sentence gives government the authority to shutdown all commerce relating to firearms. 

Right now, the authority in state law to shutdown gun stores doesn’t exist.  This bill (as written) would add it into our law books.

Why is it okay to shutdown gun stores, as long as you close every other store at the same time?

It isn’t. This is unacceptable. 

It’s time to urge your legislator to reject the phrase: “unless the closure or limitation applies equally to all forms of commerce within the jurisdiction”.

This legislation claims to prevent gun stores and shooting ranges from being shut down by disaster declarations or emergency orders.

As it is currently written, it actually does the opposite. 

That specific language allows government to shut down gun stores and ranges, along with other stores and businesses.  

We’ve been communicating to the committees that heard this legislation, and they’ve all failed to fix it.

Now, it’s time to activate and urge the legislature to fix HB61.

It has been announced that it will be on the State House Floor on Monday. 

Right now, your legislator needs to hear from you!

You can reach out to your Representative and demand that they do the right thing and fix HB61.

Tell them to offer an amendment, or support an amendment on Monday to fix the bill.

Your message could be something as simple as:

Dear Representative,

I urge you to fix HB61 and remove the current flawed language that allows the government to shutdown gun stores (at the same time as all other commerce). 


Call or email them now:

Representative Jamie Allard        907-465-2995

Representative Ben Carpenter 907-465-3779

Representative Julie Coulombe 907-465-3879

Representative Mike Cronk           907-465-4527

Representative David Eastman 907-465-2186

Representative Neal Foster 907-465-3789

Representative Craig Johnson 907-465-3892

Representative DeLena Johnson 907-465-4958

Representative Kevin McCabe 907-465-2679

Representative CJ McCormick 907-465-4942

Representative Tom McKay 907-465-4993

Representative Dan Ortiz 907-465-3824

Representative Josiah Patkotak 907-465-3473

Representative Mike Prax 907-465-4797

Representative George Rauscher 907-465-4859

Representative Justin Ruffridge 907-465-2693

Representative   Dan Saddler 907-465-3783

Representative Laddie Shaw 907-465-4945

Representative Will Stapp 907-465-3004

Representative Louise Stutes 907-465-2487

Representative Jesse Sumner 907-465-4833

Representative Cathy Tilton  907-465-2199

Representative Frank Tomaszewski 907-465-4457

Representative Sarah Vance 907-465-2689

Representative Stanley Wright 907-465-2095

And if none of those listed are your representative (or you’re not sure who is), reach out to the Speaker’s office and urge Speaker Tilton to fix HB61:

Representative Cathy Tilton  907-465-2199

Now is the time to let your voice be heard.

Time to step up and use your 1st Amendment right to defend your 2nd!