Wall of Shame – MatSu Borough Assembly 2020

These four MatSu Borough Assemblymembers, have shown their total disregard for the freedom to keep and bear arms, and the Second Amendment.

They have claimed to support the Second Amendment, while at the same time voting against it. They voted to direct the Borough planners to create more red-tape for shooting ranges in the Borough. This will harm existing ranges as well as make future range development even more difficult than it already is. What good are your Second Amendment rights, if you have no place to exercise them?

Their shameful behavior has earned them a place on this Wall of Shame.

Assembly members Tam Boeve, Stephanie Nowers, Tim Hale and Dan Mayfield voted in favor of 20-025 and against 20-018.” [LINK]

Dan Mayfield and Tam Boeve also voted against the Second Amendment in their votes regarding this original ordinance of 2019. [LINK]

Dan Mayfield, District 5
Tam Boeve, District 7 (Sponsor of anti-Second Amendment legislation)
Stephanie Nowers, District 2
Tim Hale, District 1