Tag Archives: News

Major Anchorage Firearm Retailers Reopened

You did it! Mayor Berkowitz finally relented and removed his unlawful restrictions against major firearm retailers Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, and Sportsman’s Warehouse.

Even though these major firearm retailers are now serving customers again, this took far too long and you paid far too high a price.

The Mayor of Anchorage trampled on your Second Amendment Rights by unconstitutionally closing these firearm retailers in Anchorage. Violations of our rights like this must never go unchallenged.

It is a very dangerous precedent (and slippery slope) when we let the enemies of freedom and liberty attack our rights, and undermine those rights by exploiting incremental and cloaked attacks, like we just experienced.

If this would have been left unchallenged, it would have emboldened those enemies in their future attacks. Your voice, along with hundreds of other voices was heard and a modicum of sanity has been restored, for the moment.

Thank you for adding your voice and standing up for your liberties during this critical time.
Your efforts have made an impact and this couldn’t have been accomplished without your help!

If you’re able, could you chip in a generous contribution of $10, $25, or $50, to help us to remain standing in the gap when the gun-grabbers launch their next scheme?

Demand Mayor Berkowitz Reopen Anchorage Gun Stores – Sign the Petition

Mayor Berkowitz has unconstitutionally closed firearm retailers in Anchorage.

Decreeing the forced closure of Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, and the Sportsman’s Warehouse, is a violation of Alaska Statute 29.35.145(a), which makes it illegal for him to limit the sale of firearms within the Municipality of Anchorage.

His recent conduct infringes on the right to keep and bear arms, guaranteed in the Constitution of the State of Alaska (Article I, Section Nineteen), and by the United States Constitution. Further, this conduct is in conflict with his own emergency order issued on March 20, 2020. The “Hunker Down Order,” lists specific business that are deemed essential and to remain open, including critical businesses:

“Item 5. f. Food cultivation, including fishing, hunting, farming, and livestock;”

His actions are also contrary to the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines that these retailers are to remain open.

This puts more people out of work during this crisis, contributing to the huge jump in unemployment, while at the same time making everyone less safe. Especially as the court system has decided to release many criminals from jail.

He has violated Alaska Statute 11.76.110, Interference with constitutional rights and an immediate investigation should be started by the Governor.

Please send in your petition now, demanding that the Mayor reverse his actions and that the Governor initiate an immediate investigation into these actions!