How Liberty Is Lost

Termed-out Borough Mayor Vern Halter, staged a last-minute betrayal when he effectively blocked the anti-gun range ordinance from being repealed during the Mat-Su Borough Assembly’s meeting on December 1st.

It was his “Christmas Present” to the anti-gun extremists.

He “vetoed” the reconsideration motion, which would have caused the ordinance to be reconsidered by the gun-friendly Assembly majority.

Halter abused his authority and ignored the vast majority of people testifying against this anti-gun range scheme, leading to controversy and possible legal challenges to his illegitimate actions.

While the lawyers wrestle over the legality of Halter’s betrayal, we’re not backing off or backing down on this fight.

It’s time to redouble our efforts and replace the anti-gun Borough Mayor with a pro-gun Mayor.

But we can’t stop there. We’ve also got to screen and recruit more pro 2nd Amendment Allies to run for the Assembly seats up for election next year.

Don’t let Halter’s betrayal discourage you: we gained ground on the assembly this year, and with your help we can do it again next year.

And electing more pro 2nd Amendment candidates are critical to repealing this travesty and regaining the lost freedom that the anti-gun extremists are stealing from us.

Mayor Vern Halter showed his true colors. His eagerness to go out of his way to support the anti-gun extremists’ schemes, has shown just where he stands on your gun rights.

While deceitfully claiming to support gun ownership and ranges, he went out of his way to attack your gun rights, and has become a willing puppet for the anti-gun extremists.

I’m personally grateful to you for your standing up to oppose this tyranny and to defend your rights to keep and bear arms.

While we didn’t get the result we hoped for, we will continue to fight.

We’re not backing down. We’re not going away.

Together, we’ll find more pro 2nd Amendment allies to protect – and restore – our right to exercise and bear arms in the Mat-Su.

But if we don’t stand together, if we don’t work side by side to replace anti-gun liberals on the Assembly, they’ll take more than our right to build and operate gun ranges.

If you’re able, could you please chip in a generous contribution of $10, $25, or $50, to help us to keep fighting against the gun-grabbers and their schemes?

Protect Mat-Su Gun Ranges

Assemblymembers Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers refused to support your rights during the February Mat-Su Borough meeting.

Assemblymembers Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers have voted against our Second Amendment Rights as assemblymembers on the Mat-Su Borough Assembly.  Their latest actions to restrict the free exercise of our rights, have included voting to bring more red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being built in the MatSu Borough.

Tell Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers to stop bringing more red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being established.

We need more gun ranges, not less!

The borough planning department is expected to bring a new version of this ordinance before the Mat-Su Assembly at the November 17th Assembly meeting, where they are expected to vote on whether to put it into law or not. 

This is the time to tell Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers to vote NO!

Tell Tim Hale and Stephanie Nowers to Defend your rights! They need to hear from you!

Send them the message now!

Protect MatSu Gun Ranges

Assemblymember Dan Mayfield has consistently voted against our Second Amendment Rights as an assemblymember on the MatSu Borough Assembly.  His latest actions to restrict the free exercise of our rights, have included voting to bring more red-tape regulations designed to strangle existing ranges and prevent new ranges from being built in the MatSu Borough.

We need more gun ranges, not less!

He voted against gun ranges at this meeting, and twice at this meeting!

The borough planning department is expected to bring a new version of this ordinance before the MatSu Assembly, where they would vote on whether to put it into law or not.

This is the time to tell Mayfield to vote NO!

Send him a message that you expect him to support the right to keep and bear arms the next time the ordinance comes up for a vote! Send him the message now!

Major Anchorage Firearm Retailers Reopened

You did it! Mayor Berkowitz finally relented and removed his unlawful restrictions against major firearm retailers Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, and Sportsman’s Warehouse.

Even though these major firearm retailers are now serving customers again, this took far too long and you paid far too high a price.

The Mayor of Anchorage trampled on your Second Amendment Rights by unconstitutionally closing these firearm retailers in Anchorage. Violations of our rights like this must never go unchallenged.

It is a very dangerous precedent (and slippery slope) when we let the enemies of freedom and liberty attack our rights, and undermine those rights by exploiting incremental and cloaked attacks, like we just experienced.

If this would have been left unchallenged, it would have emboldened those enemies in their future attacks. Your voice, along with hundreds of other voices was heard and a modicum of sanity has been restored, for the moment.

Thank you for adding your voice and standing up for your liberties during this critical time.
Your efforts have made an impact and this couldn’t have been accomplished without your help!

If you’re able, could you chip in a generous contribution of $10, $25, or $50, to help us to remain standing in the gap when the gun-grabbers launch their next scheme?

Demand Mayor Berkowitz Reopen Anchorage Gun Stores – Sign the Petition

Mayor Berkowitz has unconstitutionally closed firearm retailers in Anchorage.

Decreeing the forced closure of Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, and the Sportsman’s Warehouse, is a violation of Alaska Statute 29.35.145(a), which makes it illegal for him to limit the sale of firearms within the Municipality of Anchorage.

His recent conduct infringes on the right to keep and bear arms, guaranteed in the Constitution of the State of Alaska (Article I, Section Nineteen), and by the United States Constitution. Further, this conduct is in conflict with his own emergency order issued on March 20, 2020. The “Hunker Down Order,” lists specific business that are deemed essential and to remain open, including critical businesses:

“Item 5. f. Food cultivation, including fishing, hunting, farming, and livestock;”

His actions are also contrary to the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines that these retailers are to remain open.

This puts more people out of work during this crisis, contributing to the huge jump in unemployment, while at the same time making everyone less safe. Especially as the court system has decided to release many criminals from jail.

He has violated Alaska Statute 11.76.110, Interference with constitutional rights and an immediate investigation should be started by the Governor.

Please send in your petition now, demanding that the Mayor reverse his actions and that the Governor initiate an immediate investigation into these actions!

Wall of Shame – MatSu Borough Assembly 2020

These four MatSu Borough Assemblymembers, have shown their total disregard for the freedom to keep and bear arms, and the Second Amendment.

They have claimed to support the Second Amendment, while at the same time voting against it. They voted to direct the Borough planners to create more red-tape for shooting ranges in the Borough. This will harm existing ranges as well as make future range development even more difficult than it already is. What good are your Second Amendment rights, if you have no place to exercise them?

Their shameful behavior has earned them a place on this Wall of Shame.

Assembly members Tam Boeve, Stephanie Nowers, Tim Hale and Dan Mayfield voted in favor of 20-025 and against 20-018.” [LINK]

Dan Mayfield and Tam Boeve also voted against the Second Amendment in their votes regarding this original ordinance of 2019. [LINK]

Dan Mayfield, District 5
Tam Boeve, District 7 (Sponsor of anti-Second Amendment legislation)
Stephanie Nowers, District 2
Tim Hale, District 1

Trump Admin Names Gun Makers, Retailers Essential Businesses Nationwide

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security released updated guidelines naming gun manufacturers and retailers as essential on Saturday, which means they are to stay open and operational nationwide during a Chinese coronavirus shutdown.

The DHS guidelines list as essential:

Mat Su Borough Ordinance will harm Exsisting Ranges

“… this ordinance would put an extreme financial strain on our MVS range because, due to the Glenn Highway expansion, we will have to purchase a strip of property from our neighbor to replace our parking area lost to the highway. We can afford to buy the property, but not to comply with Applications Procedures Code 17.68.040 by paying a professional engineering company to do a certified site plan, a site specific environmental plan for managing materials in accordance with EPA Best Management Practices, and a study of surface danger zones as determined by a professional engineer registered in the state of Alaska. That would be a lot for a replacement parking lot! We may also have issues with the setback for our outdoor firing line due to the land lost for the bike trail along the expanded highway.”


Mat-Su Borough Assembly hears heated public testimony on shooting range ordinance

“The public testimony had been heated throughout the night as dozens of people voiced their opposition. The cheering and clapping continued to get louder.

An overwhelming majority opposed the ordinance.

 “The proposed shooting range ordinance is a solution no one wants to a problem that doesn’t exist,” said Scott Vukich, the owner of Pioneer Tactical.

The first draft of the proposed ordinance would require a conditional use permit for new commercial, educational and non-profit shooting ranges.

A second draft adjusted the decibel level and changed it to an administrative permit.

The ordinance prompted a gun rights rally at the end of January where hundreds came out to a protest outside the Mat-Su Borough building in Palmer.

Many of those people were also at the assembly’s meeting to tell members any new restrictions would infringe on their Second Amendment.

“For you guys to go against the Constitution of the United States really bothers me because what you’re leading up to is gun control,” said Cris Tyree of Wasilla.

Earlier in the evening, Howard urged the assembly to listen to their constituents.

“We elect you to be our mouthpieces. We elect you to do the will of the people,” Howard said.

Kenneth Bullman of Palmer said there’s already a limited number of public ranges in the Mat-Su Valley. He was concerned about what the restrictions could mean for future development and expressed the need for more ranges.

“People are going to shoot and if you don’t provide them with a well-maintained, clean place to shoot they’re going to shoot other places,” Bullman said.”


Mat Su Borough Resolution 19-083

The first iteration of the anti-2nd Amendment ordinance passed the borough back last fall, prior to the fall election.

“The other hotly debated issue of the night was Resolution 19-083, which would request borough staff to develop a Conditional Use Permit process for commercial, educational and nonprofit outdoor shooting facilities.”

“After deliberation, the ordinance passed 4-3 with Sumner, McKee and Leonard voting against.”


The votes:

Jim Sykes Yes
Matthew Beck Yes
George McKee No
Ted Leonard No
Dan Mayfield Yes
Jesse Sumner No
Tam Boeve Yes

It was sponsored by Assemblymember Tam Boeve (Willow).

Mat Su Borough Ignores the Will of the People – Intends to trample on Gun Rights

The Mat Su Borough passed a resolution, in spite of the outpouring of opposition, by the vast majority of Valley residents.

The resolution directs the Planning Department to prepare an ordinance to add additional layers of red-tape that will hamper the development of responsible shooting ranges.

“To the dismay of many in a massive agitated group of residents who had gathered at the Mat-Su Borough Assembly meeting, Ordinance 20-025 passed 4-3 and will be referred to the planning commission for 90 days.”

“Assemblyman Jesse Sumner’s Resolution 20-018 would rescind Resolution 19-083, which requested that staff develop a Conditional Use Permit regulating outdoor shooting ranges also failed along the same 4-3 vote. Sumner was joined by George McKee and Ted Leonard in voting for his own resolution 20-018 and against 20-025. Assembly members Tam Boeve, Stephanie Nowers, Tim Hale and Dan Mayfield voted in favor of 20-025 and against 20-018.”
