Alaska Gun Rights is pleased to announce our endorsement of Ron Bernier for Mat-Su Borough Assembly!
Ron is running for re-election to Assembly District 7. He has fulfilled his commitment to repeal the Anti-Gun Range Ordinance. He has also kept a spectacular 100% Pro-Gun voting record during his time of service on the Borough Assembly.
Representative Eastman is a stalwart Defender of the 2nd Amendment.
He has voted to protect Gun Rights at every opportunity, without compromising to the demands of anti-gun extremists.
He has Sponsored the Second Amendment Preservation Act and legislation to Ban Red-Flag Gun Confiscation.
Rep. Eastman voted against Legislation that would allow the government to shutdown gun stores and gun ranges.
He has sponsored pro-gun legislation throughout his tenure in office.
He’s been endorsed by the NRA, the National Association for Gun Rights, and Alaska Gun Rights is proud to endorse him and urge your support for his re-election.
Vote for the Proven Pro-Gun Champion for House District 27!
Alaska Gun Rights has completed a candidate survey of the Mat-Su Borough candidates running for Assembly seats on the Mat-Su Borough Assembly. Here are the results.
Paid for by the Alaska Gun Rights Firearms Liberty Fund. I, Richard McClure, Chair, Approve This Message. Top Contributors: Alaska Gun Rights, 200 W. 34th Ave., PMB 181, Anchorage, AK 99503
Representative Kevin McCabe, the freshman representative from Big Lake (R), voted against your 2nd Amendment rights this spring.
Rep. McCabe and his cohorts voting to table(kill) pro-2nd Amendment language
He joined in with a bunch of anti-gun democrats and RINOs, to vote to kill (table) a pro-2A amendment to the State’s budget.
This amendment would prevent the University of Alaska from enforcing so-called “gun-free” zones on the campus, thus not allowing “Campus Carry”, and continuing to enforce “Criminal Safety Zones” on campus.
This is a deep betrayal of his oath to protect and defend YOUR 2nd Amendment rights.
To add insult to injury, he completely broke his word that he gave to our members to support the anti-red flag act (House Bill 152).
Not only did he refuse to support it, as he promised on his candidate survey he would, he actually worked to undermine and oppose it actively on the House Floor!
His collaboration with the anti-gun zealots was a betrayal of the highest order.
What is even more bizarre, is that he still claims to be pro-gun!
Nearly immediately (two days) after the vote, he was shouting at our members at a gun show in Big Lake, claiming that we were lying.
Only because he has felt the heat of the grassroots holding him accountable, has he attempted to change his tune, after seeing his co-conspirators lose their own elections last year, and the repeal of the anti-gun range ordinance was inevitable.
Only because she has felt the heat of the grassroots holding her accountable, has she attempted to change her tune, after seeing her co-conspirators lose their own elections last year, and the repeal of the anti-gun range ordinance was inevitable.
Alaskans like you who are committed to no-compromise gun rights demanded the full repeal of the tyrannical gun range ordinance, and were rewarded with a unanimous vote to fully repeal the Mat-Su Borough’s tyrannical overreach and suppression of our 2nd Amendment rights.
There were 2nd Amendment advocates and speakers demanding the full repeal, and Alaska Gun Rights:
Organized calls and emails demanding full repeal.
Recruited 2nd Amendment enthusiasts to attend and speak.
Educated and mobilized the pro-gun constituents to hold their Assemblymembers accountable.
Kept the pressure on the Assembly to bring a full repeal.
Delivered well over a THOUSAND petitions demanding full repeal!
(Delivering your petitions to the Borough Assembly)
And you’ve been with us every step of the way – THANK YOU!
But the work isn’t done. We went to Fairbanks this past weekend to get the word out about two dangerous bills introduced in the Alaska Legislature:
Adam Wool and Steve Thompson’s dangerous “Home Invasion Incentive Act,” HB 203.
The repeal of the Anti-gun Range Red-Tape ordinance is on the agenda for Tuesday’s Mat-Su Assembly meeting… AND the Mat-Su Assembly needs to hear from you!
Time to stand up and make your voice be heard in defense of your right to keep and bear arms!
SHOW UP 6pm Tuesday, at 350 E. Dahlia Ave., Palmer, AK 99645, and offer your testimony in support of the repeal when it is time on the agenda.
If you can’t make it in person, call in at 855-225-2326, and offer your testimony over the phone.
(When the Mayor announces audience participation or a public hearing you would like to speak to, press *3; you will hear “Your hand has been raised.” When it is your turn to testify you will hear “Your line has been unmuted.” State your name for the record, spell your last name, and provide your testimony.)
We need more gun ranges built to increase the safe handling and training of future hunters, marksmen and firearm enthusiasts. Not less.
When we repeal the red-tape range restrictions at the borough level, one of the many hurdles that gun ranges have to jump through to become a reality, is removed.
Repealing this red tape will also protect the existing gun ranges from being strangled out of existence in the future!
Demand that MSB 17.68 be entirely repealed. No amendments. Total repeal.
You can make a difference in reclaiming rights that should never have been lost, to begin with.
This is a significant step towards reclaiming your rights and the repeal of the Anti-gun Range Red-Tape ordinance.
Politicians are on notice and we won’t stand idly by while they try and steal our rights!
Make your voice heard on Tuesday – show up, and protect your right to keep, bear, and shoot your guns here in the Mat-Su!
And bring your range buddies with you on Tuesday night!
Alaska Gun Rights has completed a candidate survey of the Mat-Su Borough candidates running for Assembly and Mayor of the Mat-Su Borough. Here are the results.
Tam Boeve’s Anti-Gun record:
Sponsoring and voting for Resolution 19-083
Voted against Resolution 20-018
Voted to pass Ordinance 20-025
Voted against reconsideration of Ordinance 20-025
Voted to sustain Halter’s veto of reconsideration of Ordinance 20-025
Paid for by the Alaska Gun Rights Firearms Liberty Fund. I, Richard McClure, Chair, Approve This Message. Top Contributors: Alaska Gun Rights, 200 W. 34th Ave., PMB 181, Anchorage, AK 99503
Termed-out Borough Mayor Vern Halter, staged a last-minute betrayal when he effectively blocked the anti-gun range ordinance from being repealed during the Mat-Su Borough Assembly’s meeting on December 1st.
It was his “Christmas Present” to the anti-gun extremists.
He “vetoed” the reconsideration motion, which would have caused the ordinance to be reconsidered by the gun-friendly Assembly majority.
Halter abused his authority and ignored the vast majority of people testifying against this anti-gun range scheme, leading to controversy and possible legal challenges to his illegitimate actions.
While the lawyers wrestle over the legality of Halter’s betrayal, we’re not backing off or backing down on this fight.
It’s time to redouble our efforts and replace the anti-gun Borough Mayor with a pro-gun Mayor.
But we can’t stop there. We’ve also got to screen and recruit more pro 2nd Amendment Allies to run for the Assembly seats up for election next year.
Don’t let Halter’s betrayal discourage you: we gained ground on the assembly this year, and with your help we can do it again next year.
And electing more pro 2nd Amendment candidates are critical to repealing this travesty and regaining the lost freedom that the anti-gun extremists are stealing from us.
Mayor Vern Halter showed his true colors. His eagerness to go out of his way to support the anti-gun extremists’ schemes, has shown just where he stands on your gun rights.
While deceitfully claiming to support gun ownership and ranges, he went out of his way to attack your gun rights, and has become a willing puppet for the anti-gun extremists.
I’m personally grateful to you for your standing up to oppose this tyranny and to defend your rights to keep and bear arms.
While we didn’t get the result we hoped for, we will continue to fight.
We’re not backing down. We’re not going away.
Together, we’ll find more pro 2nd Amendment allies to protect – and restore – our right to exercise and bear arms in the Mat-Su.
But if we don’t stand together, if we don’t work side by side to replace anti-gun liberals on the Assembly, they’ll take more than our right to build and operate gun ranges.